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Die Macht des Alkohols – Eine aufschlussreiche Dokumentation mit Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen

Alcohol is deeply rooted in our society - be it at celebrations, as a stimulant or simply for relaxation. But how dangerous is our use of the number one drug really? In a captivating documentary, Dr Eckart von Hirschhausen reveals the far-reaching consequences of alcohol consumption on our bodies, our relationships and society as a whole.

The underestimated danger

Science agrees: every sip of alcohol is potentially carcinogenic. In fact, alcohol causes seven different types of cancer and can favour serious neurological diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, it remains socially accepted and is often trivialised.

When does alcohol consumption become an addiction?

Intoxication is fun - but when does the pleasure turn into a dangerous addiction? The documentary impressively shows how our brain repeatedly lets us fall into the alcohol trap. Exciting scientific experiments are used to illustrate how alcohol influences our thoughts and actions - often without us consciously realising it.

The effects on family and friendships

It is not only the consumer himself who suffers from alcohol addiction - the social environment is also massively affected. Families break up, friendships are put to the test and emotional stress increases. The documentary impressively illuminates the impact that alcohol consumption can have on personal life.

Scientific expertise

In addition, the scientists of the TRR265, Prof Rainer Spanagel and Prof Falk Kiefer, were interviewed on this topic. They provide valuable scientific insights into the dangers of alcohol consumption and the mechanisms of addiction.

Now available in the media centre

The documentary was broadcast on ARD on 27 January and is now available in the media library.

Find out more about the real risks of alcohol and why a more conscious approach is so important. You can find the full documentary here: Hirschhausen and the power of alcohol - watch here (in german).

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